Monday, 27 November 2017

Our house

Our house. Our biggest achievement. Years worth of saving for a deposit. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and after two years we stumbled, quite by accident, into our perfect first home. This place makes me so incredibly happy, and content. It's only had one previous owner, and they have loved and maintained this house for so many years, growing their family here.

We have been here for six months and I'll be honest, I'm a little overwhelmed with how much maintanance owning your own home requires. A lot of that has to do with home improvements, like painting, stripping wallpaper, plastering, installing insulation.. but I didn't factor in things like how the garden would get away on me before I could even improve it, and how a small renovation project that I thought woud take a week actually takes five. It's a lesson in patience, and I have to keep reminding myself; we are going to be here for years and years and years.. it doesn't all have to be done right now.

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